Day 17

Today we went over to your Gramma’s house and visited with your cousin and Aunt Ali.

When you were born, your Aunt Ali spent the night with you and I in the hospital so your Dad could stay and help with your brother Jack.  I remember at one point in the evening looking over at Ali just staring at you and kind of shaking her head.  I said, “What?!” she said, “It’s just… he’s just like me.”  I said, “What do you mean?”  She answered, “He just already looks stressed.”  At the time, you did; you looked really angry that you were not in the womb anymore.  She was also right about you being like her; in a lot of ways you guys are.  That’s a good thing, by the way.  Ali is awesome so I guess you will be, too.

To this day you two kind of have a special bond. I think she really gets you and I have a feeling you will always appreciate that.

Also today, you got your very first library card and checked out your first stack of books.  The proud look on your face was priceless.  Don’t be shocked, but I didn’t have my camera to document it 🙁

One Response to “Day 17”

  1. Aunt Ali (August 23rd, 2012 at 1:13 pm):

    Liam, my house will always be open when you need to come over and drive around with a giant chicken head.